Our Story

Ben and Kamila from Beaver Pack

Our journey began back in 2017 when my fiancé embarked on her own venture, a fashion accessories brand. Amidst the excitement of building her brand, we encountered a major hurdle - the lack of diverse and affordable packaging options available in the market. It seemed like we were left with only two choices: plain, mundane colours or exorbitant costs for custom designs that weren't viable for a budding small business.

Driven by our passion for elevating the unboxing experience for her customers without burdening them with sky-high expenses, we set out to turn our vision into reality.

The concept of Beaver Pack was born - an ingenious idea that promised to offer modern, stylish packaging without the hefty 'custom' price tag.

After years of contemplation and meticulous planning, the winter of 2023 marked a decisive turning point. I mustered the courage to stop procrastinating and bring Beaver Pack into the world. Many months of unwavering dedication to design and development finally culminated in the official birth of Beaver Pack.

As for the name itself, you might wonder why we settled on 'Beaver.' It's a story of love for all things cute and our admiration for Canada's magnificent wilderness. Fondly referred to as 'Beaver' between my fiancé and me, it became an endearing inside joke. The name rolled off the tongue effortlessly, and when the time came to choose a business name, it felt like the only natural choice. It resonated with us, and we simply love it.

- Ben