100% Recycled Plastic Shipping Mailers

At Beaver Pack, we dedicated quite some time into researching various materials that could be perfect for our ecommerce shipping mailers. Eventually, we settled on the idea of using 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic, a choice that truly resonated with us. Given the abundance of plastic that already exists globally, it only felt right to contribute by repurposing some of it whenever we could, thus helping to reduce the burden on landfills and oceans. In the following brief article, we'll guide you through how it all works.

Recycling and The Circular Economy - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

The Circular Economy

Ever heard of the Circular Economy? It's a concept that we vibe with at Beaver Pack. Instead of the old "use and toss" mindset, we're all about giving things a second life. Our eco friendly postage bags fit right into this idea. They're designed to be used, reused, and then recycled again – a win-win for you and the planet. It's all about being smart with resources and making a greener impact.

  • 1. Collection and Sorting

    Our story begins with the plastic items you toss into your recycling bin. These could be anything from water bottles and food containers to old toys. Once collected, they're sorted to separate different types of plastic.

  • 2. Shredding and Cleaning

    The chosen plastics are then shredded into small pieces to facilitate the next steps. These pieces are thoroughly cleaned to remove any contaminants, ensuring the final product meets our stringent quality standards.

  • 3. Melting and Reforming

    The cleaned plastic bits are melted down and formed into pellets, creating a versatile raw material called plastic resin. This resin is the building block for crafting new products, like our iconic mailers.

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Post-consumer recycled plastic water bottle

Post-Consumer vs. Pre-Consumer

Now, let's clear the air about an important distinction: post-consumer recycled plastic versus its cousin, pre-consumer recycled plastic (also known as post-industrial). Pre-consumer plastic originates from manufacturing scraps and rejected virgin plastic, while post-consumer plastic springs from products that lived a previous life in your hands. It's all about recycling materials that have already been enjoyed and discarded.

The beauty of imperfections in recycled plastic products

Embracing the Imperfections

Here at Beaver Pack, we proudly celebrate the quirky beauty of imperfections. Due to the inherit nature of recycled materials, your mailer might boast a touch of coarseness or the occasional white speck, but these quirks are a testament to the material's journey. Just like a well-worn vintage treasure, these minor blemishes add character and charm to our products.

  • 1. Reducing Plastic Waste

    By opting for 100% post-consumer recycled plastic, we're taking a giant leap towards reducing waste and keeping our oceans and landfills a little less cluttered.

  • 2. Lower Carbon Footprint

    Unlike virgin plastic production, which relies heavily on fossil fuels, recycled plastic production conserves energy and lowers carbon emissions.

  • 3. Circular Systems in Action

    We're contributing to circularity by reusing existing materials, minimising the need for new resources.

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Creating a growing demand and value for recycled plastic material

Growing Demand for a Greener Future

Our commitment goes beyond the mailers. By choosing post-consumer recycled plastic, we're supporting a growing demand for this material. As demand rises, so does its value, inspiring more manufacturers to join the sustainable revolution.

Voted #1 Best Mailers In Australia (by us)

To be perfectly transparent, we're not aiming to be hardcore environmental crusaders. But hey, we care about our planet, and we're here to make a positive impact in our own way. With Beaver Pack, you'll receive packaging that's as modern and playful as your business, while also contributing to a greener tomorrow.

Join us in embracing the journey from waste to wonder, and let's make a positive impact, one mailer at a time.

Until our next packaging adventure,

The Beaver Pack Team

What's Next On Your Journey?

  • Recycling Our Mailers

    Because our mailers are made from low density polyethylene (LDPE), they are considered a soft-plastic and as such, require special treatment. Read more about this below.

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  • Our Mailers vs Australia Post

    So what's the difference between Beaver Pack mailers and Australia Post pre-paid satchels?

    Well there's a few things...

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  • Recycled vs Compostable

    Both of these options are a great step in the right direction for protecting our environment.

    Read up more about it here.

    Read More 
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