Recyclable Shipping Mailers

In the realm of sustainable ecommerce, Beaver Pack embodies not just a brand, but a commitment to responsible practices. Join us as we delve into the world of soft plastics – those pliable materials like plastic bags and flexible packaging that require a bit more attention on the recycling journey. Understanding the nuances of recycling these materials, of which our postage satchels are crafted from, is key to our collective effort in fostering a greener future.

Soft plastics, like our shipping mailers, require special recycling

What are 'soft plastics'?

Imagine plastic bags, confectionary packaging, cling wrap, bubble wrap – these are the key indicators of soft plastics. Understanding these defining attributes is crucial for informed recycling decisions.

Soft plastics, due to their pliable nature, require special handling. This is why they can't simply be placed in the regular recycling bin. Avoiding potential disruptions to the recycling process, these materials call for a distinct approach to ensure efficient recycling.


Initially operating as a program in Australia, REDcycle offered a convenient solution for individuals seeking to responsibly recycle their soft plastics by providing drop-off points at Coles and Woolies supermarkets. The concept was commendable and well-received, allowing people to contribute to sustainable practices. However, it was subsequently revealed that REDcycle functioned primarily as a collector of soft plastics rather than directly recycling them. Their role involved gathering the soft plastics, which were then dispatched to recycling companies or, as later uncovered, storage facilities.

Presently, both the Australian government and prominent supermarket chains are collaborating to explore alternative approaches to address the issue of soft plastics. In the interim, Beaver Pack advocates for the reuse of our mailers whenever feasible and emphasises responsible recycling when the need arises.

Find a local soft plastics recycling spot near you

Exploring Alternatives

While supermarket-based soft plastic drop-off locations have ceased operations, numerous local councils have stepped in to lead soft plastics recycling efforts. To explore soft plastic recycling possibilities in your vicinity, reach out to your local council.

Alternatively, for individuals interested in embarking on a soft plastics recycling journey, Recycle Mate serves as your digital companion. Created by the Australian Council of Recycling and endorsed by the Australian Government, it's the ultimate tool for pinpointing soft plastics recycling centers.

Find A Recycling Spot Near You

Embracing Responsibility

At Beaver Pack, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our products. Recycling soft plastics is a specialised endeavour that requires collaboration and awareness. Armed with knowledge and a commitment to responsible disposal, we're on a collective journey towards a greener future. Every piece of soft plastic can find new purpose beyond its initial use. Together, let's create a more sustainable world, one recycling choice at a time.

Until next time,
The Beaver Pack Team

What's Next On Your Journey?

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